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Grèves en Chine

11 novembre 2013, 00:44, par Max

Zhejiang : Hospital workers’ strike a call for change
November 3, 2013

Brutal attacks on doctors and nurses is a sign of a broken healthcare system

Vincent Kolo,
Several hundred Zhejiang hospital workers in white coats walked out on strike on 28 October. The staff at Wenling’s No. 1 People’s Hospital were mourning their colleague, Wang Yunjie, who three days earlier was stabbed to death by one of the hospital’s former patients. The numbers participating at the strike rally may have reached 1,000, according to some reports. The horrific knife attack that left Wang dead and two other doctors wounded was only the latest incident in a rising tide of violence against doctors and medical workers. China’s hospitals have become “war zones” in the words of the Global Times, a government mouthpiece

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