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Egypte : le maréchal Tantaoui, nouveau pharaon d’Egypte prétend interdire les grèves ouvrières mais l’Egypte entière est en train de se mettre en grève. Il veut manipuler les soldats contre le peuple travailleur mais il faut que les soldats, eux aussi, entrent en grève...

14 février 2011, 17:46, par michael

Egyptian state workers took to the streets of Cairo demanding higher pay Monday, prompting the ruling military council to call for an end to further chaos in the capital.

Ambulance drivers, police officers, public transport workers and members of Egypt’s Youth and Sports Organization were among the thousands of individuals protesting in Cairo and nearby Giza on Monday.

A statement from the military council called for an end to the latest strikes and protests, so that it can get Egypt back into a normal routine following the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak.

The statement said that such demonstrations threaten Egypt’s security and prosperity and give "irresponsible parties" an opportunity to commit "illegal acts."

The military took power from Mubarak on Friday, after 18 days of massive anti-government demonstrations in Cairo’s Tahrir Square forced the long-time president’s resignation.

Mubarak fled the capital and was reported to be staying at his residence in the Egyptian resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh.

But Egypt’s U.S. ambassador revealed Monday that the former president may have fallen into ill-health in recent days.

Ambassador Sameh Shoukry told NBC’s "Today" show that Mubarak was "possibly in somewhat of bad health."

Shoukry did not provide further information on the ousted president’s condition, though two Egyptian newspapers have reported that the 82-year-old Mubarak is depressed and refusing to take medication.

Also Monday, the military council cleared out nearly all remaining protesters who have been camped out in Tahrir Square since the anti-Mubarak protests began in late January.

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