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C’est le noyau de la Terre qui réchauffe notre planète et pas l’effet de serre atmosphérique

4 avril 2018, 07:05, par R.P.

ça chauffe, par en-dessous !!!

A La Réunion, le Piton de la Fournaise est entré en éruption…

Le mont Etna, situé en Sicile glisse lentement mais sûrement vers la Méditerranée. Cette constatation a été faite par une équipe de chercheurs britanniques et français de l’Open University scientist et de l’Observatoire de physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand. Les résultats de cette longue étude de 11 ans ont été présentés dans la revue Bulletin of Volcanology. De 2001 à 2012, les scientifiques ont réalisé des mesures avec l’aide d’une centaine de GPS placés tout autour de la structure du volcan afin d’enregistrer ses déplacements…

Des chercheurs de l’Université du Texas ont découvert un gigantesque panache qui s’étend du noyau au manteau. Ils ont décelé la présence d’une section du manteau qui semble plus chaude que ses environs. Cette zone se situe en dessous de la région de Yellowstone, aux États-Unis et s’étendrait de la Californie au Mexique. Rappelons qu’à Yellowstone se trouve « la Caldeira », un cratère classé dans la catégorie des supervolcans.

Plusieurs centaines de séismes ont été détectés à Yellowstone, aux États-Unis. Une importante série de petits tremblements de terre dans le parc du Yellowstone, dans le Wyoming, provoque quelques frayeurs chez les habitants de la région. Le plus fort de cet essaim de 537 séismes, de magnitude 3,1, a eu lieu le 18 février, dans la nuit. Une puissante colonne de magma qui remonte progressivement vers l’écorce a été détectée dans les profondeurs terrestres situées sous l’immense volcan de Yellowstone, aux États-Unis. Serait-il en train de se réveiller ?

Since January 2018, over 90,000 people were evacuated due to the eruption of Mayon volcano (Philippines). With still more than 65,000 people in evacuation camps at the beginning of March, the alert level was lowered from ‘4’ (hazardous eruption within days) to ‘3’ (hazardous eruption within weeks) on 6 March, which gradually allowed the majority of the displaced residents to return to their homes. On 29 March, the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council of Albay ordered the full decampment of over 6,000 remaining evacuees following the downgrading of Mayon’s status to alert level ‘2’ (moderate level of unrest) by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. The 6-km Permanent Danger Zone remains off limits due to perennial hazards of rockfalls, avalanche, ash puffs and sudden steam-driven or phreatic eruptions at the summit area.

Costa Rica’s Turrialba Volcano continues sporadic eruptions. The biggest eruption was registered at 8:38 a.m. local time and the cameras located near the crater registered a column of ash that reached between 500-700 meters above the active crater. The activity at the volcano started at 6:30 a.m. with ash columns of close to 300 meters above the crater.

Popocatepetl (Mexico), a “stratovolcano” located near the city, was once again awakened by a small earthquake on Friday evening. During the night vast amounts of thick smoke, along with gas and vapour, were seen pouring out of the mouth of the active volcano. Mexican authorities have set up equipment to keep monitoring the natural phenomenon, but understand its activity can be highly unpredictable. A yellow warning has been issued, urging people “not to approach” the volcano, especially the crater, due to possibility of spewing debris.

The Lombenben volcano on the island of Ambae (Vanuatu) is regarded as one of the most dangerous in the world and increased activity has been recorded at the Manaro Voui crater. The Vanuatu Meteorology and Geohazards Department (VMGD) the raised the alert level for the volcano to three on a scale of 0 to 5 last week following increased activity at Lombenben’s Manaro Voui crater. Communities in the northwestern and southern parts of the island have been worst affected, with reports of buildings and trees collapsing under the weight of the ash. Water supplies have also been contaminated and food gardens smothered.

The infamous volcano Mount Shinmoedake (Japan), which played a prominent role in a 1960s James Bond movie, erupted on Tuesday. The volcano sent ash and smoke thousands of meters into the sky, canceling flights and creating unease for local residents.

The "Ayrantokan” mud volcano in Baku’s Garadagh district (Azebaidjan) erupted on March 29 at around 21:10. The eruption lasted up to seven minutes and was accompanied by flames, which reached a height of about 100-150 meters above the volcanic crater. The eruption covers an area of up to 2 hectares and varies from 0.3 to 1.2 meters in thickness. There are no settlements around the mud volcano. Radial cracks have formed in the volcanic area.

The September earthquakes shook things up at El Popo with the result that 2017 saw the largest number of volcano tectonic earthquakes ever recorded at the active volcano in central Mexico. Compared to the data from the previous 23 years, 2017 saw a whopping 558% increase in the number of such movements. On September 7, an 8.2-magnitude earthquake with an epicenter 630 kilometers from Popocatépetl, the volcano’s full name, rocked southeastern Mexico. Later that month, on September 19, a 7.1 earthquake hit central Mexico ; its epicenter was located just 73 kilometers from the volcano. The surge in the volcano’s activity has been directly attributed to the massive September earthquakes, leading to an increase in the pressure within Don Goyo, as the volcano is called by the residents living in its vicinity. But just as the volcanic activity increased, so did the release of the pressure through explosions and emissions, said Carlos Valdés González, head of the National Center for Disaster Prevention. Despite the increase in volcanic activity, El Popo’s volcanic alert remains at yellow, phase 2. Valdés recalled that in 2000 the activity was intense enough to warrant the preventive evacuation of over 41,000 people.

Volcano in Indonesia belches toxic fumes that poison 30 people. Spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said more than 170 residents of several villages on the volcano’s slopes had to flee. He said some suffered shortness of breath and vomiting following the steam and gas-based eruption about 7:15 p.m. on Wednesday. The mountain is known for its stunning sulfur lake and night-time sulfur mining involving dangerous and backbreaking work by low paid laborers.

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