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New Zealand’s Class Struggle - Lutte de classe en Nouvelle Zélande

Sunday 4 November 2018, by Max

The 1913 Great Strike

New Zealand’s Class Struggle - Lutte de classe en Nouvelle Zélande (in english-en anglais)

1842-1872 : The Maori genocide, New Zealand aborigines, massacred by the Great Britain’s Colonialism - Les colons anglais massacrent les Maoris

28 Octobre 1890 : Labor Day – Journée des Travailleurs

Septembre 1906 : Domestic workers call for 68-hour week - Les travailleuses domestiques revendiquent le maximum de 68 heures de travail par semaine

1908 : Blackball miners’ strike - Grève des mineurs de Blackball

1912 : Waihi strike – Grève des mineurs de Waihi

1913 : Great Strike – La grande grève générale

1938 : Correspondance of New Zealand

1951 : Waterfront Dispute – La grève des travailleurs du “bord de mer”

2006 : Progressive Enterprises dispute - Grande grève des employés de supermarchés

2006 : News hit by ’lightning’ strikes - Grève de la Radiodiffusion des News

2007 : Port of Napier Strike - Grève du Port de Napier

2007 : 800 Hospital cleaners locked out after strike – Grève du nettoyage des hôpitaux

2008 : Low-paid workers strike and protest at multiple stores – Grève des employés des magasins

2008 : Care workers strike in Christchurch – Grève des personnels de santé

2008 : Brackenridge Workers Strike – Grève des travailleurs de Brackenridge

2009 : Dairy Workers Locked Out - Lock-out des grévistes de Open Country

2010 : Secondary School Teacher’s Strike – Grève des enseignants du secondaire

2010 : Mana Coach Services Strike – Grève des chauffeurs de Mana Coach

2010 : Workers Set To Face More Attacks – Les travailleurs font face à des attaques

2011 : Vineyard Workers Go Wildcat – Les travailleurs du vignoble mènent des actions spontanées extra-syndicales

2011 : The Progressive lockout and class struggle in Aotearoa – Le lockout des salaries de Progessive et la lutte des classes à Aotearoa

May-Mai 2018 : Nurses vote for nationwide strike – Les infirmières votent pou une grève générale nationale

July-Juillet 2018 : Bus drivers take action over work rosters - L’action des chauffeurs de bus contre les horaires de travail

July-Juillet 2018 : Defence Force nurses deployed during strike - L’armée casse la grève des infirmières

July-Juillet 2018 : Growing strike movement – La croissance du mouvement gréviste

August-Août 2018 : Lessons of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation’s sellout - L’auto-organisation des infirmiers et infirmières

August-Août 2018 : Transport workers’ jobs and conditions under attack - Les emplois et les conditions des travailleurs des transports menacés

August-Août 2018 : Teachers join growing wages movement – Les enseignants se joignent au mouvement de grève pour les salaires

September-Septembre 2018 : Les enseignants du primaire néo-zélandais refusent l’offre d’accord a minima

September-Septembre 2018 : Primary teachers reject sellout pay offer - Le syndicat Unite applaudit à l’interdiction des travailleurs migrants chez Burger King

October-Octobre 2018 : Rail union promotes sellout at Wellington meeting - Le syndicat des chemins de fer néo-zélandais encourage la vente à la réunion de Wellington

October-Octobre 2018 : Teachers’ union moves to call off strikes - Un syndicat d’enseignants de Nouvelle-Zélande propose d’annuler les grèves

October-Octobre 2018 : Opposition tries to shut down scandal over alleged links to Chinese businessman - L’opposition néo-zélandaise tente de mettre fin au scandale concernant des liens présumés avec un homme d’affaires chinois

November-Novembre 2018 : Bus union ends Wellington strike - Un syndicat d’autobus met fin à la grève à Wellington

Socialism – Socialisme

Trotskyist organisations – Organisations trotskistes

Socialist Equality Group - Groupe de l’Egalité Socialiste

Forum posts

  • There are no major differences of economic policy between National and Labour in NZ. They are both utterly committed to being ‘good managers’ of the capitalist system. And capitalism is in such a decrepit state these days that there simply isn’t room for ‘generosity’ of the kind that existed during the postwar boom. Back then the capitalists were simply getting so much surplus-value out of workers’ labour-power, due to massive increases in productivity and output, that they could buy class peace by guaranteeing wage rises and providing a chunk of educational and health care for free. Meanwhile increases in productivity meant a fall in the socially necessary labour-time to produce goods (and services), thus a fall in the value embodied in individual commodities and a fall in the prices of these commodities. Workers’ wages could buy more stuff, a crucial element of rising real wages.

    Those days are long gone and there is no sign of them returning.

    But, instead of long-term stagnation leading to workers becoming restless and fighting to defend what had been the norm several decades ago, let alone fighting for more, they have fallen into a kind of long-term stupor. The TINA argument – There Is No Alternative – has been accepted and internalised by most of the working class in New Zealand. And the left has not offered an alternative.

    The bulk of the left in NZ is anti-National Party rather than anti-capitalist. It is anti-foreign capitalism rather than anti-capitalist. And it supports state capitalism rather than exposing how workers are still exploited when employed by a profit-making enterprise that is owned by the state. Indeed, a couple of years ago, during the state assets referendum, most of the left defended the SOEs (the profit-making capitalist enterprises created by new right economic reformer Roger Douglas!) rather than opposing capitalism per se.

    What we clearly need is a new left – a genuinely anti-capitalist left – and a new working class political movement, one that is of, for and by workers and that doesn’t subordinate our interests to those of capitalist parties like Labour but fights for the independent interests of the working class.

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