Home > 09 - Livre Neuf : RELIGION > Philosophy of Religion

Philosophy of Religion

Monday 1 December 2014, by Robert Paris

Philosophy of Religion

Thoughts on Religion by Diderot

On Religious Cruelty by Baron d’Holbach

Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone by Immanuel Kant

Religion is the Greatest Obstacle by Anacharsis Cloots

Introduction to the philosophy of religion, by Hegel

Religion by Hegel

Lectures on the History of Philosophy by G W F Hegel

Philosophy of Religion by Hegel

The Essence of Christianity by Feuerbach

Lectures on the Essence of Religion

Letter To Hegel by Feuerbach

Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy

Marx and Engels on Religion

History (the role of Religion) in the English middle-class by Friedrich Engels

Bruno Bauer and Early Christianity by Frederick Engels

Scientific Socialism and Religion by Plekhanov

The Future of Religion by Plekhanov

The Materialist Conception of History by Plekhanov

Socialism and Religion by Anton Pannekoek

God and the State by Bakunin

Socialism and The Churches by Rosa Luxemburg

Dechristianization by Jean Jaurès

Theism and Atheism by Max Horkheimer

Socialism and Religion by Lenin

The Attitude of the Workers’ Party to Religion, Lenin

Socialism and Religion by James Connolly

Historical Role of Islam by MN Roy

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber

The Jewish Question by Abram Leon

The Religious Foundations of Worldly Asceticism by Max Weber

Religion—its social roots and role by Felix Morrow

Religion and Social Revolt by Cliff Slaughter

On Philosophy of Religion (in english)

By Diderot

By Spinoza

By Kant

By Schelling

By Hegel

By Feuerbach

By Marx

By Marx and Engels

By Engels

By Marx

By August Bebel

By Jaures

By Kautsky

By Plekhanov

By Lenin

By Pannekoek

By Connolly

By Lenin

By Abram Léon

By Rosa Luxemburg

By Bukharin and Preobrazhensky

By Trotsky

By Rosa Luxembrug

By Wikipedia

Forum posts

  • "Nier la religion, ce bonheur illusoire du peuple, c’est exiger son bonheur réel. Exiger qu’il abandonne toute illusion sur son état, c’est exiger qu’il renonce à un état qui a besoin d’illusions. La critique de la religion contient en germe la critique de la vallée de larmes dont la religion est l’auréole."

    Karl Marx - 1818-1883 - avec Engels, Critique de "La philosophie du droit" de Hegel, 1844

    "La religion est le soupir de la créature opprimée, l’âme d’un monde sans coeur, comme elle est l’esprit des conditions sociales d’où l’esprit est exclu. Elle est l’opium du peuple."

    Karl Marx - 1818-1883 - avec Engels, Critique de "La philosophie du droit" de Hegel, 1844

    "Les philosophes n’ont fait qu’interpréter diversement le monde, il s’agit maintenant de le transformer."

    Karl Marx - 1818-1883 - Thèse sur Feuerbach

    "Le comportement borné des hommes en face de la nature conditionne leur comportement borné entre eux."

    Karl Marx - 1818-1883 - L’idéologie allemande

    "La production des idées, des représentations et de la conscience, est d’abord directement et intimement mêlée à l’activité matérielle et au commerce matériel des hommes : elle est le langage de la vie réelle."

    Karl Marx - 1818-1883 - L’idéologie allemande

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