C L R James 1939 The Right of Self-Determination and the Negro in the United States of North Americas
Source: SWP New York Convention Resolutions, 11 July 1939.
In 1930 Negroes in America constituted nearly twelve million, or 10 percent of the American population. Of these, two-thirds were still in the South, despite the war and postwar emigration to the North. In the cities of the North and East, the Negroes form only a small minority of the population, generally less than 10 percent. (…)
Accueil > Mots-clés > Personnages > C. L. R. James
C. L. R. James
22 March 2009 -
19 December 2021C.L.LR. James
EVEN WHILE THE STALINISTS, BY FALSIFICATION AND PHYSICAL repression, were destroying the propagandists of international Socialism, the world revolution which had seemed so remote in October, 1924, stirred itself, and even while the new theory was being made law presented the International with one of its greatest opportunities. We have to pass over how the Stalinists forced the Communist Party of Poland to support Pilsudski in the coup (…) -
C L R James, World Revolution 1917-1936 The Rise and Fall of the Communist International
7 March 2009Chapter 1 MARXISM
WHAT THEN IS SOCIALISM ACCORDING TO THE PROPHETS? To answer this question we have to look back and not forward, at the origin of Socialism in the scientific sense, placing it in the particular phase of social evolution to which it belongs. For though it is to be attained by the will and energy of men, it will not be attained how and when men please. It is neither pious hope nor moral aspiration but a new form of society which will arise for one reason and one only, the (…) -
Dialectical Materialism and the Fate of Humanity
4 December 2021C.L.R. James 1947
Dialectical Materialism and the Fate of Humanity
Mankind has obviously reached the end of something. The crisis is absolute. Bourgeois civilisation is falling apart, and even while it collapses, devotes its main energies to the preparation of further holocausts. Not remote states on the periphery but regimes contending for world power achieve the most advanced stages of barbarism known to history. What civilised states have ever approached Nazi Germany and Stalinist (…) -
Expliquer en termes simples la doctrine de l’Etre de Hegel
25 juin 2024, par Robert ParisExpliquer en termes simples la doctrine de l’Etre de Hegel
(Un chapitre de « Notes sur la dialectique » de C.L.R. James)
Alors que je me propose de commencer « La Logique » de Hegel proprement dite, je ressens un léger frisson.
Harris, qui a finalement écrit un très bel ouvrage sur la logique hégélienne, était professeur de philosophie et conférencier sur Hegel de seconde main. Brockmeyer, gouverneur du Missouri, a fait une traduction de la « Grande Logique » et quelqu’un l’a donnée à (…) -
Stalinism and Fascism
21 December 2021C.L.R. James
AS THE STALINIST REGIME DESTROYED THE BOLSHEVIK party by slander and organisational terror (not against class-enemies, it must always be remembered, which all history proves to be necessary, inevitable and not in the least confined to Communists, but against honest, intelligent and devoted members of its own ranks), so it automatically transferred these methods to the International. [1]
With the final expulsion of the (…) -
C.L.R. James August The Voice of Africa
19 June 2022Facing Mount Kenya
by Jomo Kenyatta, with an introduction by B. Malinowski
Secker & Warburg. 12/6.
If ever there was a book that students of Africa needed, this is it. The book describes an African people, the Gikuyu, as they were forty years ago just before British imperialism descended on them. Similar books have been written before? Yes; but by white men chiefly, of varying intelligence and honesty. But even the best, like the late Emil Torday, wrote from the outside. Mr. Jomo (…) -
Les jacobins noirs, CLR James
7 novembre 2008, par Robert ParisLes Jacobins noirs, par C.L.R. James.
Préface de l’auteur (1938)
En 1789, les deux tiers du commerce extérieur de la France se faisaient avec sa colonie antillaise de Saint-Domingue, laquelle représentait le plus grand marché de la traite européenne des esclaves. La plus grosse colonie du monde, fierté de la France et objet de convoitise de toutes les autres nations impérialistes, faisait partie intégrante de la vie économique d’alors. Tout cet ensemble reposait sur le labeur d’un (…) -
1917-1923, A World Revolution
5 May 2017, by Robert ParisWorld Revolution – 1917/1923
A chronology of the european revolution (1917-1923)
Lenin – « The State and Revolution »
Leon Trotsky – History of The Russian Revolution
Herman Gorter – The World Revolution
C. L. R. James – “World Revolution 1917-1936”
Réponse de Léon Trotsky à James
C. L. R. James – “State Capitalism and Worls Revolution”
Leon Trotsky – “The Betrayed Revolution”
Leon Trotsky – « The Permanent Revolution »
Leon Trotsky – “Our Revolution”
Leon Trotsky – (…) -
C L R James, World Revolution 1917-1936, The Rise and Fall of the Communist International
23 August 2008, by Robert ParisTHIS BOOK IS AN INTRODUCTION TO AND SURVEY OF THE revolutionary Socialist movement since the War–the antecedents, foundation and development of the Third International–its collapse as a revolutionary force. The Bolshevik Party, and the Soviet Union which it controls, being the dominating factors in the Third International, are given extensive treatment.
The ideas on which the book are based are the fundamental ideas of Marxism. Since 1923 they have been expounded chiefly by Trotsky and a (…)